
Evolution of genes and species at a large-scale: a practical approach to novel phylogenetic methods in the postgenomic era (SIBE - Italian Society for Evolutionary Biology - 2023)

- Advances in Genome and Protein Evolution / Bioinformatics  (University of Zaragoza - 2019)


- Giada Mascotto - Master Thesis "Characterizing selecting pressure on over expressed genes of the Femoral Glands of mantelline frogs (Anura: Mantellidae: Mantellinae)" - 2023

Course: Biologia Evoluzionistica

Institution: Università di Padova // Cibio


- Assistant professor: Degree in Biology / Genetics II (2324-11460-19423-01) / University of vigo / 30H / 2024-2025

- Assistant professor: Degree in Biology / Bioinformatics (V02G031V01403) / University of vigo / 30H / 2023-2024

Scientific review

- Applied Sciences (2)

- Sustainability (2)

- Journal of molecular evolution (2)

- Biology (1)


- Most outstanding Poster of the 4th CINBIO annual Meeting (2021)

Scientific dissemination

- Asociación Lazoiro (2013-2024)

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